Mariemont Players is proud to announce upcoming auditions for
The Gods of Comedy by Ken Ludwig.
Directed by Jennifer Keith Day and Assistant Director Megan Horton. Produced by Debbi Berlon and Assistant Producer Douglas Berlon. Stage Managed by Janet Wisner.
Auditions will take place on Saturday, July 9th at 12:00 PM and Sunday, July 10th at 6:00 PM. at Mariemont Players 4101 Walton Creek Rd Cincinnati, OH 45227
Interested individuals can sign up for an audition slot here
Auditions will consist of cold readings from the script. Headshot and résumé are appreciated.
Performance dates will be November 3-20 2022. Rehearsals will begin in September 2022.
Synopsis: Daphne and Ralph are young classics professors who have just made a discovery that's sure to turn them into academic superstars. But something goes disastrously wrong, and Daphne cries out in a panic, "Save me, gods of ancient Greece!"…and the gods actually appear! The Ivy League will never be the same as a pair of screwball deities encounters the carnal complexity of college coeds, campus capers, and conspicuous consumption.
Link to sign up genius - click here
Auditions begin at the time noted. We are simply using Sign-Up Genius to know how many auditioners to expect. Please add your name if you plan to be there.
The audition will consist of reading sides from the script. You may be asked to stay and read with others.
If you have any questions, you can contact Debbi Berlon at dberlon@gmail.com
Character Descriptions:
ARISTIDE* (Male, any age)
A local Greek salesman of colorfully embellished trinkets on the island of Naxos where he lives with his family. He knows everyone and everything that happens on his island, and serves as an omniscient introductory narrator to the story.
*this actor will also portray the role of Ares
DAPHNE RAIN** (Female, 20s-30s)
A young and esteemed American Classics professor from a liberal arts university. She is a passionate Hellenic scholar, currently working to mount a production of Euripides’ Medea as part of her Tenure Folio. Hiding behind her bookishness, hesitation, and self-imposed isolation, Daphne has a fiercely independent spirit and is on the verge of the adventure of her lifetime.
**this role may include implied (not actual) nudity, please contact the director for more information if needed.
DEAN TRICKETT (Female, 40+)
The Dean of the Classics Department at the university where Daphne teaches is a lusty “force of nature.” Hailing from England, her hearty gusto and “full throated laugh” simply can’t be tamed. She is staunchly passionate about her work and will do whatever it takes to see that the study of Classics is preserved and appreciated by the next generation.
RALPH SARGENT (Male, 20s-30s)
Hellenistic studies rising-star who has just been hired as the new head of the Classics Department with Daphne and the Dean. He is work-obsessed, bursting with energy, and on the hunt for a ‘lost’ Euripides play, a find which could make his career and change the course of theater history.
ALEKSI (Male, any age)
Loveable university custodian with a deep appreciation for ancient culture and art. He is a jovial Russian émigré with Homeric dreams of learning Greek himself and one day being a Classics professor.
DIONYSUS - This role has been cast
Celebrated Greek god of wine, fertility, revelry, and misrule incarnated here as a God of Comedy on a mission from his father Zeus. Lover of all things boisterous, anarchic and ecstatic, Dionysus is particularly thrilled to discover all the indulgences a twenty-first century college campus has to offer him.
THALIA (Female, any age)
Ancient Greek muse of comedy and idyllic poetry, now Dionysus’s partner in comedic crime from Mt. Olympus. Thalia is a positivist who doesn’t get caught up in the details. Although she is not exactly “the sharpest sword in the armory” she makes up for it with self-confidence. She has a happy-go-lucky spirit and an “Achilles heel” of crushing hard and fast on attractive male mortals.
ARES* (Male, any age)
The Greek God of War who is loud, intimidating, quick to be aggressive, and physically no match for opposing mortals. Brutish and demanding, he does not play around when it comes to satiating himself with whatever his momentary desire might be.
*this actor will also portray the role of Aristide
BROOKLYN DE WOLFE (Female, 20s-30s)
Former Grade-A student scholar turned world-class movie star; she is a big deal at her alma mater. Charming and alluring with a smile that “makes you believe in God,” she knows how to smooth-talk herself into the next big movie without missing a beat.