Mariemont Players, Inc. is pleased to announce auditions for our production of The Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window, a play by Lorraine Hansberry
Directed by David Derringer
and produced by Natasha Boeckmann and Kelly Holtgrefe
Audition Dates/Times:
Monday, February 17 – 7-10 p.m.
Tuesday, February 18 – 7-10 p.m
Sign-up: Please sign up for an audition time here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E094BAAAE2DA13-54352551-thesign
Callbacks: (as needed) Thursday, February 20th, 7-10pm
Location: Mariemont Players – 4101 Walton Creek Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45227
Audition Requirements:​
Auditions will consist of "warm" readings from the script. Sides can be found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GFp33HiBX8XtUGnqAUiIXphy6d8_38XT?usp=sharing
Note for Iris and Sidney, those auditioning can choose either monologue to prepare. Actors do not need to come in off book, but having an understanding of the character and material is valued.
If auditioning for the role of Sidney please indicate whether or not you can play a musical instrument on your audition form.
Please bring a theatrical resume. Headshots are appreciated, but not required.
The production team encourages actors of all races, ethnicities, identities, abilities,
experience levels, etc. to audition - all are welcome! -
Please contact director David Derringer with questions about the script or audition process at derringer_d@milfordschools.org
If in need of accommodations or questions about accessibility, please contact producers Natasha natasha.boeckman@gmail.com or Kelly at kaholtgrefe@gmail.com
Production Dates:
July 10-27, 2025
Rehearsal times:
Rehearsals will begin the week of May 19th and run through the opening with rehearsals taking place over the summer months. we fully expect there to be vacation plans and other requests off and will organize the rehearsal calendar with what works best for cast and crew alike.
Synopsis: Lorraine Hansberry's second Broadway play is the probing, hilarious and provocative story of Sidney, a disenchanted Greenwich Village intellectual, his wife Iris, an aspiring actress, and their colorful circle of friends and relations. Set against the turmoil of a stormy 1964 political campaign, the play follows its characters in their unorthodox quests for meaningful lives in an age of corruption, alienation and cynicism. With compassion, humor and poignancy, the author examines questions of morality, ethics, interracial relationships, drugs, rebellion, conformity, global responsibility and the fragility of love.
Character Breakdown
​Sidney Brustein - male - late 20s-early 40s, white
Alton Scales - male - mid-to-late 20s - black man that can be white-presenting to the audience
Iris Parodus Brustein - female - late 20s to mid 30s, white​
Wally O'Hara - male - at least 40 or older, any ethnicity
Max - male - middle-aged - any ethnicity
Mavis Parodus Bryson - female - older sister to Iris, mid 30s to early 40s, white
​David Ragin- male - any age and ethnicity​​​​
Gloria Parodus - female - younger sister to Iris - early to mid 20s, white